New vodkas and gin in development

We are currently working on a number of new vodkas and a new batch of Perivale Dry Gin.

Chocolate Vodka

It's no secret that we've been working on a chocolate vodka, but with little success. Recent developments have been more promising though! Working with roasted chocolate beans and several "Secret" ingredients we are finally making progress! Watch this space.

Liquorice Vodka

We have been asked to produce a Liquorice vodka, which we are currently working on, progress is very encouraging. The question is do we make it sweet or salty?

Perivale Dry Gin

The second batch of Perivale Dry Gin will be distilled in the next couple of weeks, I'll try to get some pictures of the distillation process for the website.

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Wow - absolutely the best flavoured vodka I have every tried. And I have tried a lot. A really authentic caramel taste, not too sweet, with a hint of burnt sugar - just exactly like the base of a really good creme caramel dessert. This is a really top drink.