Oak Aged Vodka Cask One

Oak Aged Vodka Cask One £25.50

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Fabulous recently released "Cask One" vodka. We were confident that it would be well received, but we’re staggered at the response to it! There are plans for "Cask Two" and now "Cask Three" but they are still some way off.

Volume: 70cl
Strength: 40%

Unfortunately we have now run out of Oak Aged Vodka Cask One.

Tasting Note

Cask One is delicate and smooth, it has a definite hint of whisky, which comes from the oak cask, but is still a vodka. Served on ice it has a lovely soft vanilla quality, and absolutely no burn, at room temperature the whisky notes come to the fore, with just a hint of that whisky "Edge" but with no peat or smoke, just a warm rich spiciness which is slightly reminiscent of green apples.

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I have Carolicious in my hip flask and on the golf course and it's a welcome warmer when the climate isn't so friendly.

J from Maidenhead

Oak Aged Vodka Cask One